Saturday, 15 November 2014

Skin Detector/Skin Analyzer [Genuine] 第七代数字靓肤测试仪 【正品】


Product Display:


This device is able to detect:
1. Sebum level
2.Moisture level
3.Skin elasticity (Smiley face)
4. Absorption of skin care products
5. LED lights display (Red and Green) 

Certificate and product safety reports

Direction of use:

***To obtain an accurate result of the skin actual condition, perform the test in a room temperature environment. Ensure that the skin surface to be tested is dry, clean, free of cosmetic/make up. 

Step 1: Insert 2 AAA batteries 

Step 2:Remove the cap and press the On/Off button to turn on the device.

*Note: The display will start blinking when it is turn on. Do not place the test head on skin surface when the display is still blinking.

Step 3: Place the test head on the skin surface after the display has stop blinking and "beep beep" sound is emitted. Remove from skin surface after 3-6 seconds or after a "beep" .

*Note: Ensure that the test head is not moved/not moving during the test. Press the test head against the skin surface for a better and more accurate reading.

Step 4: To take another reading, press the "O" button to reset. Repeat step 1 to 3.
Step 5: To check the previous 3 sets of test data, long press the On/Off button for 3 seconds when the device is on. Press "O" to exit.
Step 6: Clean the device with cotton pad or sterile pad/cotton and wipe dry.

Sebum level guide:
16% ~22% Balanced skin condition. Note: Indicates that your sebum and moisture level are balanced. Keep it up!!
23%~33% Normal skin condition. Note: Focus on choosing the right skin care products that suit your current skin condition is the key.  Please note that there is a difference between natural sebum secretion and the moisturizing agents / oil content found in facial cream/ skin care products. By replenishing enough moisture to your skin, your skin will be able to self-adjust to a balanced skin condition and normal sebum secretion. Choose skin care products where the hydrating/moisturizing agents are of smaller molecules for better absorption or products that contain oil control properties (for those who are in the 33% category).
34%~63% Oily skin condition. Note: Focus on both oil control and hydrating/moisturizing in your skin care routine, not just purely on oil control. By focusing on both, it will improve your condition and sebum secretion in the long run. It is important to maintain a healthy and clean diet as well. Eat clean! Eat more veggies and fruits. Proper skin care regimen and a healthy diet is the key!
Optimum Skin Moisture Level 

产品介绍 Product Introduction:

This device uses biotechnology sensor to detect skin moisture level, sebum secretion level as well as skin elasticity. It is safe, easy to use, small and handy, the results are easy to read and easy to take care and maintain. It provides a high precision test result on skin conditions which enable the user to understand their skin condition and thereby they are able to select the right skin care products that suit their skin.

皮肤弹性参照 Skin Elasticity Guide
Smiley face: Soft skin texture Sad face: Rough skin texture
1、使用温度To be used in temperature:5~40℃、相对湿度 Humidity 70%以下 (below 70%);
2、测量范围Test:Moisture 水份 0~99.9%,Sebum/Oil 油份 0%~99.99%
3、外型尺寸 Size :128mm X 26mm X 34mm;
4、重量 Weight :50g;

功能特点 Product specialty:
本仪器具有操作简单、携带方便、显示直观、便于消毒和维护等特点。Easy to use, small & handy to be carry around & results are simple to read. Easy to maintain and take care.
1、测量皮肤的综合营养水份率的体积百分比;数字显示,清晰直观;Analyse the overall skin condition and results are display in percentage which can be understood easily
2、采用真正的生物传感技术,绝对不是简单测量电阻的概念型产品;Biosensor technology 
3、高精度:与大型仪器比肩;High precision
4、操作简单、自动关机、外型美观、环保礼盒包装; User friendly, auto-off, nice appearance, product packing are made from recycled materials 
5、指导性强:在说明书中以图示方式给出比较典型部位的正常值,便于指导护理;User manual are simple and easy to read as well.
6、安全保证:在长期不用或不同人使用时可用酒精对测头进行消毒处理,避免了皮肤病的交叉感染;Product safety assurance. It is advisable to sterile the test head with alcohol/sterile pad for those who share their device with other users and for those infrequent user in order to keep the device clean and free from skin infections.  
7、测量化妆品吸收效果,非常容易。Absorption of cosmetic/skin care products can be tested easily. 

维护和保养 Protection and care:
1、保持仪器清洁;Keep the device clean 
2、请不要私自拆卸仪器;Do not disassemble the device
3、不要在高温、高湿的,有害气体等环境下存入;Avoid high temperature, high humidity and hazardous environment when using/storing.
4、用毕请装入盒中;如长时间不使用本仪器,请把电池取出存放;Keep the device in its packaging after use. Remove the batteries if you are not using it frequently.
5、禁止水及其它液体浸入仪器内;禁止酸碱性液体擦试仪器。Do not immersed the device in liquid or water. Do not clean the test head with acidic/ alkaline solution.

常见问题解答 FAQ:
1、开机后或连续测试显示屏"00.0%"连续闪动,并且没有提示音,说明探头被污染,请擦净测试探头;The device shows a blinking "00.0%" when it is turned on and no beeping sound. This indicates that the test head is dirty. Solution: Clean the test head.
2、测试时显示"---",说明测试探头没有贴稳被测表面,请将测试探头垂直压在被测部位; The result displayed is "---". This indicates that the test head were not placed properly during the test. Solution: Keep the device upright and press against for skin surface.
3、为了更好的皮肤护理,请参照下列典型部位的水份率。Kindly refer to the optimum level chart  (refer picture above) for better understanding of your skin condition. This would allow you to choose the right skin care products. 

产品使用注意事项 Other points to note when using the device:
1、显示"L0"时,电量不足,请换电池。更换电池时请打开电池盒盖,按"+""-"极安装27号池,然后盖好电池盒盖;If the device display "LO" on the LED, this indicates low battery. Kindly replace with new AAA batteries.
2、显示"UUU"时,说明测试错误,清零重测;If the LED display "UUU" indicates that the test are not conducted properly. Reset it by pressing "O" button and redo the test.
3、长期使用或不同人使用时请对测试头进行清毒处理;Infrequent users or sharing with multiple users should clean the device after every use.
4、病患处于受伤皮肤请勿使用;Do not test on open wounds or infected areas.
5、出汗及在高温、高湿情况下请勿使用。Do not use on sweaty skin or under high humid condition. 

其它补充说明 Other information:
1、早晨起床测量值小于正常范围5%左右请注意保养。 For morning test result that is below the normal range of 5%, please pay attention to your skin care routine.

Selling Price: RM 65 each (including 2 AAA batteries)
Colour Available: White
In stock: 9 units

For enquiries or order, you can,

Drop me a message in the comment box, or contact me at:
WECHAT ID: lisa_june21

Payment method: 
Bank in or bank tranfer- Maybank account

Kindly email the following details to  after the payment has been made. 

Delivery Address:
Contact No:
Product name:

*Please attach the screenshot of your successful bank transfer or photo of your bank in slip in the email. Thanks!! 

Happy shopping!!  

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